A national education effort to prevent the
spread of opioid misuse.
The Baltimore (B'More) Youth Summit on Opioid Awareness will educate young people, educators and other adults about the growing opioid epidemic and encourage healthy decision-making. An essential ingredient to a solution is stopping the spread of opioid misuse through a message of abstaining from experimentation – if less young people are experimenting with these highly addictive drugs, less will fall victim to this often-fatal disease of addiction. The program seeks to educate students, teachers, and parents about the dangers, warning signs, and effects of opioid misuse, and also connect them with resources to deal with opioid misuse. Most of all, the program aims to recognize and promote healthy choices and demonstrate the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
Why Attend? Hear From Community Leaders
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
UMBC Event Center
1000 Hilltop Cir.
Baltimore, MD 21250
Doors Open - 9:00 AM
Pre-Program - 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM
Official Program - 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Program Details
The Baltimore (B'More) Youth Summit on Opioid Awareness is designed to address the growing opioid epidemic by reaching out to our youth to stop addiction before it starts and by promoting healthy choices and educating students about the dangers of opioid misuse.
The Baltimore Youth Summit on Opioid Awareness aims to promote healthy choices and educate students about the dangers of opioid use. We encourage parents to learn more about this growing epidemic.